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Liana De La Rosa

Arts & Entertainment Advisor

A Los Angeles native, Liana received her Bachelor’s in Fashion Marketing from Woodbury University, followed with a Master’s in Fashion Promotions from Milan’s Istituto Marangoni — where she would create working relationships with some of the most influential figures in the fashion industry. Trading Italy for NYC in ‘07, Liana dug into property transactions through buying and selling condos in the Village and Williamsburg, quickly understanding that her insight into and connections within the fashion and entertainment industries put her in a unique position to confidently navigate trend-setting operators through the often chaotic landscape of NYC commercial real estate. Having lived or worked in more than 30 countries, Liana shows an inherent ability to cut through traditional barriers and get to the pith of any situation, conversation, or negotiation — a trait she employs as Valkyrie’s Arts & Entertainment advisor to bring lasting value to her clients time and again. When not in the office or in the field, Liana organizes for an international music and art event non-profit that supports international education, sustainability, and disaster relief initiatives — and can otherwise be found indulging her passions for music, fashion, photography, and design.

+1 (917) 426-6747 (o)
+1 (917) 608-0152 (c)
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